A Day Like No Other
A Day Like No Other
Admit it, today has been filled with good vibrations. This morning light climbed through the window making me want to run out the door and capture the gold pouring down on this city. I loved every bit of it. However, I can’t tell if the excitement of today’s date is due to its power or our collective anticipation of it. No matter what, our goal should be to discover how to live vibrationally in sync so that each day is sprinkled with a heavy heaping of 2222. Life is exciting when there is something magical brewing. That thing may only be known to you. Bask in it. Nurture it. Own it.
Are you writing a novel? Planting seeds? Having a child? Opening a business? Whatever it is, let the intensity of your desire fuel you. May it energize your soul and the souls of everyone around you. Let your passion be like a rocket headed up!
Imperfections, blemishes, weight gain, weight loss, hearing loss, loss of loved ones, lack of money, home repairs, and so much more are factors in life. These “buildings” will always threaten to block the “sun”. Despite how dark it gets keep on shining. Seep out light from every space you can. Strive not to merely exist, but to live vibrantly- blemishes, scars, unwanted hairs, thinning hairs will be there, but so will you, beaming from the inside out.